Instructions Following Soft Tissue Graft

Post-Oral Surgery Care Guidelines:

1. Normal pain, bleeding, swelling, and seeping may occur. Avoid touching the site with tongue or fingers.

2. Don’t forcefully rinse, spit, or use straws. Bite on gauze for 30 mins to reduce bleeding (normal for 24 hrs).

3. Take all prescribed medications, including mouth rinses.

4. After 24 hrs, use warm salt water rinses (1/2 tsp salt in warm water) 4-5 times daily after meals.

5. After 24 hrs, gently brush surgical areas with a soft manual toothbrush.

6. Sutures may dissolve on their own, no need for removal in most cases.

7. To reduce swelling, apply cold compress (20 mins on, 20 mins off) near surgical site.

8. If using an ice pack, place a cloth between ice and skin. Moist heat can be applied after 36 hrs.

9. Drink plenty of fluids, avoid spicy or acidic foods, sharp/crunchy foods, tobacco, and alcohol.

10. Minimize physical activity for 2-3 days after surgery.

11. If a surgical bandage was used, let it remain for 24 hrs. Gently clean the wound afterward with a mouth rinse-dipped cotton swab.


Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday - Sunday Closed

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Sacramento CA 95821