Instructions Following Implant Surgery/Implant Treatment

Post-Care Instructions for Your Dental Procedure Recovery

1. It’s normal to experience some discomfort, bleeding, swelling, and oozing following oral surgery. Refrain from examining the area by tugging on your lip or probing with your tongue or fingers.

2. Avoid forceful rinsing, spitting, or using a straw. Apply pressure with a gauze pad for 30 minutes to minimize bleeding. Should bleeding persist, reach out to our office.

3. Adhere to the prescribed regimen of medications and mouthwashes as directed.

4. After a full day has passed, maintain your oral hygiene routine in untreated regions. Treat treated areas gently by softly brushing with a soft toothbrush. Suspend dental flossing in treated areas for the initial week. Refrain from using undiluted mouthwash, saltwater, or peroxide rinses during this time.

5. Swelling and bruising might escalate after 2-3 days. Employ a cold compress on the facial region close to the surgical site to mitigate swelling. Utilize the cold compress for 20 minutes on and at least 20 minutes off, as needed. Beyond 36 hours, introduce moist heat to the sides of your face to alleviate swelling.

6. Stay well-hydrated and steer clear of pungent, acidic, sharp, and crispy foods such as tacos, crisps, and nuts. It’s advisable to avoid tobacco and alcohol, especially while taking pain relief or antibiotics.

7. Keep physical activities to a minimum immediately after the surgery, and avoid demanding exertion for the next 2-3 days.

8. If a surgical dressing was applied, it will naturally detach after 24 hours. Allow it to come off on its own; once it does, gently cleanse the wound using a cotton swab soaked in mouthwash.


Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday - Sunday Closed

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Tel: (916) 483-7459
Fax: (916) 483-0604

3840 Watt Ave Bldg. D
Sacramento CA 95821