Instructions Following Dental Extractions

Instructions for Post-Surgical Care:

1. Employ the provided gauze to apply gentle pressure to the surgical area until bleeding ceases. Change the gauze when necessary.

2. If a child has undergone an extraction, closely supervise them to prevent any biting or chewing on their tongue or lips.

3. Adhere to the prescribed medication regimen as instructed. If pain medication is being taken, avoid driving or engaging in heavy machinery operation.

4. Abide by the antibiotic guidelines if they have been prescribed.

5. Reduce swelling by using a cold compress (apply for 20 minutes and then allow a 20-minute break). Consider introducing moist heat after 36 hours.

6. Refrain from using straws, brushing, rinsing, spitting, smoking, consuming hot/spicy foods, and drinking carbonated or alcoholic beverages for the initial 24 hours.

7. Allocate time for rest on the day of the surgery, and then gradually resume regular activities as your tolerance allows.

8. After the initial day, gently rinse your mouth with warm salt water three times daily.

9. Opt for a diet comprising liquids and soft foods during the initial days.

10. In most instances, sutures will naturally dissolve within 7-10 days, and removal is usually unnecessary.

11. Should you experience severe pain, excessive bleeding or swelling, or if you have any inquiries, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. For emergencies, dial 911 or seek care at the nearest emergency room.


Monday - Thursday 8am-5pm
Friday - Sunday Closed

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Tel: (916) 483-7459
Fax: (916) 483-0604

3840 Watt Ave Bldg. D
Sacramento CA 95821